
The Sunken City

March 19th 2019

The Audio Dungeon crew begin their adventure in the world of Andaria.

Finndelar (Tom), the wizard, and Hogar (Dan), the ranger, have just finished their long two month journey, and have finally reached their destination; The Sunken City.

Smithy's Party

March 20th 2019

Finndelar (Tom) and Hogar (Dan) have arrived in the Sunken City and are now searching for the magical device they have journeyed so far for. After meeting the craftsman Arkie Fint, they travel to Smithy's tavern in hope of finding a clue to their mystery...

The Crystal Rod

April 3rd 2019

Smithy's party has proven to be entertaining and everyone is enjoying themselves.

Meanwhile, during the festivities, Bludgy, the city's most notorious thief is seen sneaking upstairs, drawing the attention of others.

Finn and Hogar's mission hangs in the balance.....

The Great Escape

April 10th 2019

Finn and Hogar are tied up below Smithy's tavern along with a few others.

Bludgy is about to sell off the crystal rod for a life changing amount ofgold, while Arkie is "retrieving" something important from his workshop. 

Every Time I Get Out

April 24th 2019

The party, now in possession of the CRYSTAL ROD, has fled from the thieves in the Sunken City through the underground tunnels.

Once outside, they discover the Queen's forces are invading from the sea, bombarding the city.

Back into the Fire

May 9th 2019

The party has been caught trying to escape and with them, the Artifact.

Eventually they wake up shackled to a cart, and surrounded by guards on their way back into the occupied Sunken City...at the mercy of the Queen's Forces. 

Carl Linger

October 8th 2019

The party has adjusted to their new lives the best ways they know, how but they are eager to escape.

Follow the party as they continue working their 9 to 5 jobs with only one lunch break and four 15 minute coffee breaks fun by the evil Queen’s forces.

The Best Plans

October 8th 2019

The Party is finally rejoined quietly under watchful eyes in Sunken City and has put together a plan to help them escape.

Before putting that plan into action they must first tackle...logistics! The bane of all dungeons and dragons players. Will they succeed? 

With A Little Help From My Friends

October 8th 2019

The Party is in action, and so is the party. Our would be heroes are posing as entertainment to get aboard the rooks ship and steal back the rod before they can escape. 

Will they succeed?

On The Run (Season Finale)

October 8th 2019

Our Party, aka Blackwater Bandits, have earned their name stealing back the rod from the Rook. Now its time for one more performance... the disappearing act. 

Will they succeed in this season 1 final episode?!

Lost Souls

February 12th 2020

In this first ever live episode of Audio Dungeon, the players awake with no memories and must quickly work together to navigate a dangerous dungeon. The extra twist? They have no idea they are playing their actual characters! 

The Collectors Dungeons

February 12th 2020

The party has passed the trial! With acceptance into the city of Anwar, their new goal is recovering those stolen memories...

The Collector

February 12th 2020

Tragedy has struck the party, a member has fallen. Adding to their strife, they now find themselves in yet another tough situation below Anwar.

Rooks Demand

February 12th 2020

Returning to Anwar, the party finds some unexpected company and begins to prepare for a great challenge ahead. Meanwhile, someone who was lost has been found...

The Goblin Warrens

February 12th 2020

Hurtling down the water passageway on the journey to The Dark, the party's boat takes a beating. Luckily for them, this means their captor The Lovely Lute takes a beating as well. Now they must try to continue their mission for the Crystal Rod.

The Short Adventures of Thistle and Arky

February 12th 2020

Who better to go poking around in goblin tunnels than the only members of the party who will fit inside?! But what Arky and Thistle find in the warrens is not what they expected...


February 12th 2020

The party finds the dwarven city of Iron Stone. Unfortunately, it is under siege by strange magical creatures. And what has become of that dangerous assassin, the Lovely Lute?

The Dragon in the Mine

February 12th 2020

Coming upon the lava-fueled dwarven forge, the party begins to craft anti-magical emerald-imbued weapons. That is, until the whole building begins to shake...

Rock Bottom

February 12th 2020

Iron Stone is saved! As thanks, the party receives a bounty of magical crystals and a powerful new iron suit for Arky. Now they head for Rock Bottom, a duegar dwarf city beneath a waterfall in the dark Underground. 


February 12th 2020

The party arrives at Rock Bottom to find Bludgy and the Rod within their grasp! But Bludgy and the Rod are headed in opposite directions, forcing the party to split up to accomplish their goals. Is it a wise move? ...

Stroll Through The Dark

February 12th 2020

After an exhausting siege upon the city, the party now travels through the Dark to find The Giant Tree. Accompanied by their new wizard ally, they hope to find the Drow Elven City of Pelion Darrus that lies at the Tree's roots. There they hope, is promise of safe return to the surface...

The Elven Blight

February 15th 2020

Reaching Pelion Darrus, the Party finds it under devastating attack from above and below. One hero makes an unexpected journey, dragging the party into a surprising decision in this weeks episode! 

The Last Bastion

February 15th 2020

The party has traveled to hell in an attempt to heal the roots of the Great Tree, and to find their lost companion. Complicating matters, is the sighting of a mysterious Holy Light in the sky. 

The Light (Season Finale)

February 20th 2020

The Party has discovered the source of the Holy Light, directly beneath the evil god Drogono. Now they must risk their lives to discover what is truly happening...

The Black Rose

July 17th 2020

The Party with the help of a mysterious elf realizes in the chaos of things the Crystal Rod was taken by the red robed wizard.  They now hurry to catch up with him to stop whatever evil plan he has in store...

What Lies Beneath

July 17th 2020

The party continues their pursuit of the crystal rod in hopes of finding it and getting back to the surface somehow...

The Necromancer

July 17th 2020

The party learns of a sinister creature who seems to be very powerful.  He desires the crystal rod above all else.

Darkness Rising

July 20th 2020

The full might of the Necromancer is realized in this dark episode of Audio Dungeon.  Will our party survive?

The Tree of Autumn Light

July 20th 2020

The party has escaped the clutches of the Necromancer and now begins their travel upwards to the surface.

Loyalty in the Dark

August 5th 2020

An old friend catches up with the party as they traverse the dangerous Dark.

The Battle of Ironstone

August 5th 2020

Ironstone requires the aid of our heroes once more in this interesting episode of Audio Dungeon, The Celestial War.


August 5th 2020

The party is being pursued by great evil meanwhile it is clear they may not make it out alive.

The Desert Dungeon (Season Finale)

August 5th 2020

The quest takes an unsual turn in this exciting season finale!

The Red City

August 5th 2020

The party traverses the final leg of their journey to the famous Red City.

The Red Knight Christmas

September 18th 2020

In an effort to prove themselves and protect the Red City our heroes travel behind enemy lines in an attempt to sabotage the gnomish tanks leading to a spectacular Christmas adventure!!

I Am Arky Flint

September 18th 2020

Arky's life hangs in the balance while the Red City battles for its survival in an epic battle against the evil forces of the Rook.

The Walking Tower

September 18th 2020

Now that the Rook has been defeated and locked in the dungeons, the Red City must turn its attention to the Wizards of Soulst and the ever-dangerous Walking Tower.

Battle for The Red City

September 18th 2020

As the Red City faces a brutal onslaught of magic, a tense battle ensues as our heroes travel deeper and deeper into the center of the walking tower. 

A Game of Risk

September 18th 2020

The battle grows more and more dangerous as our heroes continue their battle inside the node of the Walking Tower, the magical tower from Soulst, meanwhile, The Red City is still under siege by the Archmage's wizards. 

Strategies and Stalemates

September 18th 2020

A big decision and an unlikely alliance is made as the heroes prepare for the next leg of their adventure.

Return to the Sunken City

September 18th 2020

Our heroes have traveled to the Queen occupied Sunken City looking for a way into the Vault to attempt to liberate soul crystals to help save the elven Tree of Autumn Light. On their adventure they meet some of the locals and pick up an ally or two.

The Vault

September 18th 2020

The Heroes have disguised their way into the Sunken City and find themselves surrounded, meanwhile, Jacque reunites with an old team member.

Secret in the Vault

September 18th 2020

Our heroes venture further into the vault finding something they didn't expect, meanwhile, Abyssia and the Lute perform a duet and try to catch up with the party.

Idle Hands

September 18th 2020

Our heroes, while underneath an exploding Sunken City, step into a portal with no knowledge of where it goes. Meanwhile, a character from the Audio Dungeon pre-stories makes an appearance! 

The Curious Case of Cyrus Maynard

September 18th 2020

Our Heroes awake in the Red City finding themselves in the middle of mystery. Prepare yourself for a detective's journey with the crew as they trace their steps backwards to figure out exactly what happened.

Grey Sand

September 18th 2020

Our Heroes, while recovering from their experience with the Necromancer, begin their first ever combat training. Meanwhile, Finndelar begins his own magical training under the guidance of the Seer.

The Clock Strikes

September 18th 2020

The show must go on. In this episode of Audio Dungeon, the Red City faces a grave danger forcing our heroes to make a brave decision and travel back to a familiar place of evil.

Dark in the Light

September 18th 2020

Our Heroes enter the greater temple of the Necromancer and the dangers within, during which someone falls into a perilous situation on this season finale of Audio Dungeon!

Dark Heart

October 20th 2020

Our heroes have descended into the true lair of the necromancer to rid Andaria of his evil. Meanwhile, while there, they encounter the remnants of Monk Master Laine’s party led by the Paladin Reed of the Red City. It’s all or nothing right out of the gates in this exciting first episode of season 3!

The Soul Crystal

October 20th 2020

The Epic Battle Continues with the party’s new ally, Paladin Reed, as the group splits to accomplish all goals. Meanwhile, from the nether, two lost heroes are recovered.

The Life and Death of an Ancient

October 20th 2020

The party is split.  One half, joined by the Paladin Reed, has jumped through one of the Necromancer’s Portal arriving in the enemy wizard city state of Soulst. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the party ,now once again joined by Jacque & the Monk Master Laine, hurry to find a way to stop the Necromancer’s evil magic.


October 20th 2020

With the party splintered and the world seemingly coming to an end, things are looking grim.  Arky & Sparky begin a long journey back to the Red City leaving Reed, Abyssia, Lump & Botaurius in Soulst. Meanwhile, the remaining party members find themselves in a mysterious forest after realizing a...

Celestial War (Season Finale)

October 20th 2020

Everything comes to head with four special guests as the Party faces their darkest battle to date in this exciting episode of Audio Dungeon.


October 20th 2020

The battle with the Necromancer has ended. Some cities of Andaria begins to recover as others prepare for the larger war to come.  Meanwhile, the party splits, now Heroes of the Red City, they fill their time with other tasks helping where they can as they begin to live in a different world they helped save.

There's No Place Like Home

October 20th 2020

From The Sunken City to the elven forests of Falindor, our heroes look inward as they adapt to their new lives as heroes. One Story such as Botaurius’s journey home leads him to an interesting find when both his Jacque’s mission intertwine.

A New World

October 20th 2020

The Heroes of the Red City meet up for the first time in a long time where it all started in the Sunken City.  As the Sunken City has recently pledged allegiance to the Red City, many gather to witness the maiden voyage of the first of the Kingdom’s new Fleet of ships.


October 21st 2020

In their new ship, The Black Water Bandit, Our heroes along with King Argon and others have found themselves in a great chase as they try to capture the ex-mayor Olin who seems to be making a break for the gnomish city of Wraygar. 

Bellemon's Challenge

October 21st 2020

Our heroes find themselves in a great challenge created by Gnomish King Bellemon of Wraygar against Raven’s Claw, Soulst and Queensland to complete their claim upon the incredible prize, The gold horde of the Dragon Ember. Meanwhile Governor Raven & King Thowen have an interesting conversation.

The Great Forge

October 21st 2020

This episode is straight bananas and fireballs as the party encounters the peculiar wizard Fuegolas in the mines below Wraygar during the competition. Meanwhile the party learns a startling and unfortunate truth.

Raven's Plan

October 21st 2020

The party realizes they have fallen victim to Raven’s plan as they try to escape the great forge below and get back to the city of Wraygar. Meanwhile, MEGA GOAT….that is all.

An Eye for an Eye

October 21st 2020

The Heroes of Andaria, under the effects of alcohol and magic in game and out seek revenge as they head to Raven’s Claw to claim what is rightfully there’s.

Hard Time

October 21st 2020

Our heroes after a 3 day drunken binge caused by some sort of magic the party has ended up in the Lock & Key Prison island in Raven’s Claw and no closer to claiming the Dragon Ember’s gold. Inside, they encounter a strongly built jail and host of other inmates ,played by fan characters, all eager to escape.

Rogue Magic

October 21st 2020

The Party is still in jail and looking to get out before it’s too late! Meanwhile, in another part of the prison, Finndelar meets an old frenemy as well as a peculiar goblin before preparing to make a great escape.

Raven's War

October 21st 2020

The party has launched their great escape from the prison in Raven’s Claw with the aid of many prisoners inside.  Meanwhile, Abyssia makes her epic return!

A Pirates Life For Me

October 21st 2020

Raven’s plan has been revealed as the party tries to figure out their own plan to come out on top after their great prison escape.

See You at the Party Raven!

October 21st 2020

Eager to capture or kill, our heroes crash Raven’s Party at the governor’s mansion in this exciting episode of Audio Dungeon!

All Or Nothing

October 21st 2020

The battle is well underway at the governor’s mansion in Raven’s Claw where much of the party is split in the process. Meanwhile, Hogar stays on course and risks everything as he single-handedly goes after Raven.

Keepers of the Peace

October 21st 2020

The Raven has been captured by Hogar & Finndelar and with Tomb Mage’s help have teleported him to Wraygar.  Meanwhile. At Wraygar, the gnomes there, battle for their very survival.

Civil War

October 22nd 2020

The Battle of Wraygar continues as a rift in the party grows about their mission to bring Raven to justice. Meanwhile Botaurius and his gnomish crew race back to Wraygar from Raven’s Claw and must figure out a way through the pirate ships!

Pieces of the Puzzle

October 22nd 2020

Hogar is gone & The Party must press on and prepare themselves for what will be the trial of the century where they will attempt to prove not only their own innocence but the guilt of The Raven.  Meanwhile, a member of the party returns to the fold.

The Chronomancer

October 22nd 2020

The party makes an incredibly dangerous journey north of the city of Arlight to find Wexel in the infamous Chronomancer’s tower. Meanwhile, Time is running out before the trial at the Red City begins.

Trial By Fire

October 22nd 2020

The Heroes must choose to go to the future to prevent the return of great evil or stay and risk everything for good or for bad. Meanwhile, Hogar returns in a truly incredible season finale episode you won’t soon forget.

Lost Heroes

March 2nd 2021

Much of the party has teleported 22 years into the future on the advice of the Chronomancer. Meanwhile, Hogar, Thistle & Arky have made their own individual paths in the long dark time between. Much has changed…

World On Fire

March 2nd 2021

On this exciting episode of Audio Dungeon, Hogar faces a battle from his past, Gnome Patrol prepares to leave The Sunken City, Thistle reunites with an old ally and the remaining heroes struggle to survive in a world so different than the one they left.

The Brave

March 2nd 2021

The World is controlled by dark forces as heroes struggle to stay alive within it. Hogar comes face to face with a powerful Being, meanwhile, Gnome Patrol encounters obstacles in the red desert and the remaining heroes head to Wraygar as a new hope for Andaria rises.

Fork In The Road

March 2nd 2021

The Plot thickens as a mysterious Black Knight Appears in the Queen’s Court while Hogar enters the arena versus an epic foe. Meanwhile, above the Red Desert and the journeying gnome patrol, Abyssia sings a song that may have lasting effects upon Andaria.

The Measure of a Man

March 18th 2021

The Measure of a person is seen here across the board in this exciting episode of Audio Dungeon. Hogar learns a lot about the mysterious Dark Knight. Meanwhile, Abyssia, Finndelar, & Botaurius, now Knights of Andar, continue forth on their journey reunited with Arky and Gnome Patrol.

Dark Plans

March 18th 2021

The adventure continues as Thistle attempts to make his way deeper into the dwarven vault. Meanwhile, Hogar witnesses an epic battle from the past before facing off versus someone from his past in the arena. Finally, The Knights of Andar and party prepare for a great assault.

Trick Or Treat

March 18th 2021

Hogar faces off against his old ally Thistle in this epic and suspenseful Halloween episode of Audio Dungeon as Wraygar Airships led by Arky and the Knights of Andar begin their assault upon Goblin City.

Knights and Kings

March 18th 2021

Full of lots of power and glowing amazingness, Everything comes to a head in the underground below the destroyed Red City meanwhile Thistle seeks out the help of an old friend to solve a very big problem and is reunited with an old green friend.

The Memory Remains

March 18th 2021

In this episode of Audio Dungeon, Hogar must face his terrible past. Meanwhile, The Knights of Andar with the airships of Wraygar continue on their journey. Finally, Thistle’s journey takes an interesting  turn.

Quests of Old and New

March 18th 2021

In this interesting episode of Audio Dungeon, Thistle & Arky address the elephant in the room during their adventure.  Meanwhile, Hogar begins a quest of reconciliation for the recently rescued Queen Frigg. Finally, the Knights of Andar and party, with the help of a peculiar guide, head deep into the tree of Autumn Light.

Battle For Sunken City

March 18th 2021

It all comes down to survival in this tactics-heavy full episode battle.  Led by King Thowen, The Audio Dungeon Crew and the help of a few good VIP Fans help decide the fate of the Sunken City…hopefully in their favor.

Desperate Measures

March 18th 2021

The Tree & Andaria are about to die as the Knights of Andar and party risk everything to try and save everything they love. Meanwhile, Hogar attempts to retrieve the slain Red King in the dangerous city of Queensland.

S6 EP 13 - Axis & Allies

August 27th 2021

From The Tree of Autumn Light to the shores near Sunken City, the world of Andaria is in peril and the heroes race from one end to the other to save it. Meanwhile, in particular, Sunken City seems to have a Demon Problem.

The Collectors Crystal

August 27th 2021

Every second counts as the reunited heroes joined by ally Volt race to prevent the demon Gol from obtaining the Collector's Crystal as they venture below the now dangerous underground caverns below the Sunken City.

More Than Meets The Eye

August 27th 2021

Split up once again, the party heads back underground to find Arky and the Collector's Crystal. Meanwhile, Arky's attempt to track the crystal leads him on an adventure he did not expect.

I Will Remember You

August 27th 2021

Thistle, Hogar, and Botaurius take a trip back in time. Meanwhile, Arky… umm Meep Murphy?.... and his new companion must face a dungeon full of traps.

The Final Mission

August 27th 2021

Time is short as our heroes encounter an old and powerful ally and must now embark on the last leg of their epic journey to save the world of Andaria from the evil Drogono.

Time After Time

August 27th 2021

Time is running out and the party must face the consequences of their choices in the Chronomancer's Tower.

A Rose Stolen

August 27th 2021

The party must gain access to the Dungeons of Soulst, the Arcane City in order to free the legendary hero Farmer called “Super Farmer”. 

We Reap What We Sow

August 27th 2021

The heroes venture through the mind of a tormented soul and risk losing their very sanity.

The Dark Elf

August 27th 2021

While venturing into the dark, our heroes encounter the Fire Elf amongst the shambles of the dark elven forest kingdom of Pellion Darus. The quest hangs in the balance.

Legends Of The Fall

August 27th 2021

The stakes are higher than ever as the heroes continue their mission into the Queen’s Realm at hurried pace.  Meanwhile the heroes take a few last moments before the coming challenges ahead to make their peace with each other and the world.

The Convergence

August 27th 2021

Present Past & Future come together as our heroes discover a bubble of time playing out seemingly forever in the depths of the Queen’s realm.

The Immortal Drogano

August 27th 2021

Time wraps around itself as it all comes down to this, in the spectacular final episode of the Celestial War “Crystal Rod Saga”.

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